From the Desk of
Goran Yordanoff, President
Barcelona Building 3
As 2019 draws to a close on this very evening, I would like to convey a message, on behalf of all the members of the Barcelona 3 Board of Directors, to our residents:
We wish everyone peace, health and happiness in the New Year.
I would also like to share two wonderfully kind holiday greetings sent to me by two of our residents:
“Thank you for your desire and determination to our surroundings. I moved here in July 2008 and I am certainly in awe of your vision and efforts to improve OUR HOME. The laundry room itself is like a fairyland. With Gratitude, Paula Katz”
“Wishing you both the best of everything in the coming year!!!!!!!!!!!! And thank you for making “home” feel so new and so lovely. (an understatement). Shelly Rubinstein
I have also been approached by many residents who have shared incredibly kind words of gratitude and appreciation. We all need to feel an enormous sense of pride and accomplishment for Building 3’s unprecedented progress and magnificent improvements.
Since I became the B3 Board President nearly 1 year ago, I have dedicated myself to 40-50 hours a week of nonstop work and improvements for the benefit of our residents and unit owners. A great majority of you have recognized this and are extremely positive, while a tiny few with even tinier minds and intellects continue to sling mud like bored monkeys at the zoo.
One owner in particular, is once again back to his troubling ways. He is costing our HOA unnecessary legal fees because he is too lazy to attend a single board meeting or read official correspondence that would answer his questions. It’s truly sad when a ‘man’ can’t stand up and speak at a meeting but would rather hide behind a lawyer to write letters to attempt to intimidate on his behalf. The lesson to take from this is that we must keep positive and continue working towards our goals despite his dark and destructive presence.
I ask all of you to remain engaged with our continuing efforts to improve our building and to understand that the money we are all investing to perform these projects will enhance the value of our building and units greatly.
Some quick updates as we roll into 2020:
The huge window replacement project has been largely completed with only some minor punch-list items and details left to be completed. Everyone has been completely blown away by how BEAUTIFUL our new windows and surrounds look and how it has transformed the appearance of our building on each floor. This work alone has updated the appearance of our hallways, the energy efficiency of our windows, the safety of our residents and provided a ‘floor-to-ceiling’ look that is greatly desired in new construction design throughout the world.
The lobby and hallway wall design updates have also transformed the look of an aging building into a bright, modern and fashion forward gem that stands high above its peers in the Barcelona complex. We are hearing from realtors that units coming for sale in Building 3 will command far higher prices than other units in the entire Barcelona complex. Our updates have modernized the building and increased its desirability in the minds of potential buyers.
Our new landscaping is also an incredible improvement to the overall look and desirability of the building. We can’t wait for Spring to come to see the new trees in bloom and the perennials adding their splashes of color. The front bench has been relocated to a much safer place and we hope residents will find it a relaxing place to sit and enjoy the gardens when the warm weather arrives.
We are currently receiving bids from multiple companies for our elevator modernization and hope to have the contract ready to award and work underway by the end of February.
An additional front load washing machine will be added to our laundry room by the end of February as well. The front load machines have been tremendously popular and several residents have requested another one.
The exterior building repairs will most likely take a break during the extremely cold weeks ahead. We are working closely with an architectural/engineering firm that is putting together our game plan for hitting the project with full force once the weather permits. Future details will be provided when we know scheduling, etc. Please rest assured that your safety and maintaining safe traffic flow in and out of the parking garages and throughout the walkways around the building will ALWAYS be a priority.
I also want to thank the rest of the Barcelona Board of Directors for their hard work and dedication to improving our building and the quality of life for its residents. Donna, Marilyn and Mark bring incredible energy to all our projects.
In Memorium
We want to take a moment to remember residents who passed away in 2019. Our thoughts go out to the families and friends of Wayne Selz, Gloria Kaplan and Don Rosenberg.
Let their passing remind us to take the time to greet neighbors with a simple hello and a smile and be positive in our community.
Say not Good night, but in some brighter clime
Bid me Good Morning.
~Anna Laetitia Barbauld